Bueno en esta ocasión vengo a compartir este pequeño apoyo para su estudio en este universo del hacking ético...=) no se olviden ÉTICOOO...xD. Antes de introducirnos en este post,vamos a ver como va esto del CEH...=)
¿Qué es el Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) ?
CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) es la certificación oficial de hacking ético desde una perspectiva independiente de fabricantes. El Hacker Ético es la persona que lleva a cabo intentos de intrusión en redes y/o sistemas utilizando los mismos métodos que un Hacker. La diferencia más importante es que el Hacker Ético tiene autorización por parte de quien opte por sus servicios para realizar las pruebas sobre los sistemas que ataca. El objetivo de esta certificación es adquirir conomientos prácticos sobre los sistemas actuales de seguridad para convertirse en un profesional del hacking ético.
Hasta el momento todo esta bien pero ahora viene la controversia.¿Existe el hacker ético?. Algunos profesiones de seguridad informatica se han opuesto a la ética hacker :"No hay tal cosa como un "Hacker ético", eso es como decir un violador ético", es una contradiccion de terminos. Ahora existe otros que piensas que estos cursos de hacking dejan de lado la verdadera esencial del hacking, y mas se dedican a formar Script Kiddies.
En fin este tema va seguir todavia ,en quien tiene la razon .Pero bueno despues de este pequeño analisis de este tema y entender como va....es hora de comenzar...
1.- ¿Para qué tipo personas va dirigido el CEH ?
- Auditores de Seguridad.
- Técnicos en seguridad, administradores de red y de sistemas.
- A quienes deseen orientar su carrera profesional hacia el campo de la seguridad de los sistemas de información.
- Responsables de T.I (Tecnologías de información).
- Tener conocimientos de TCP/IP, Linux y Windows.
El temario de CEH V7 esta dividido en 19 módulos de la siguiente manera :
Module 01: Introduction to Ethical Hacking.
- Understand the issues plaguing the information security world
- Gain knowledge on various hacking terminologies
- Learn the basic elements of information security
- Understand the security, functionality and ease of use triangle
- Know the 5 stages of ethical hacking
- Understand the different types and implications of hacker attacks
- Understand hactivism and understand the classification of hackers
- Understand who is an ethical hacker
- Gain Information on how to become an ethical hacker
- Learn the profile of a typical ethical hacker
- Understand scope and limitations of ethical hacking
- Understand vulnerability research and list the various vulnerability research tools
- Learn the different ways an ethical hacker tests a target network
- Understand penetration testing and the various methodologies used
Module 02: Footprinting and Reconnaissance.
- Understand the term Footprinting
- Learn the areas and information that hackers seek
- Gain knowledge on information gathering tools and methodology
- Understand the role of financial websites in footprinting
- Understand competitive intelligence and its need
- Understand DNS enumeration
- Understand Whois
- Learn different types of DNS records
- Understand how traceroute is used in Footprinting
- Recognize the Role of search engines in footprinting
- Learn the website mirroring tools
- Understand how e-mail tracking works
- Understand Google hacking and its tools
- Learn the countermeasures to be taken in footprinting
- Understand pen testing
Module 03: Scanning Networks.
- Understand the term port scanning, network scanning and vulnerability scanning
- Understand the objectives of scanning
- Learn the CEH scanning methodology
- Understand Ping Sweep techniques
- Understand the Firewalk tool
- Gain knowledge on Nmap command switches
- Understand the three way handshake
- Understand the following Scans:
- SYN, Stealth, XMAS, NULL, IDLE, FIN, ICMP Echo, List, TCP Connect, Full Open, FTP Bounce, UDP, Reverse Ident, RPC, Window
- Learn TCP communication flag types
- Gain knowledge on War dialing techniques
- Understand banner grabbing using OS fingerprinting, Active Stack Fingerprinting, Passive Fingerprinting and other techniques and tools
- Learn vulnerability scanning using BidiBlah and other hacking tools
- Learn to draw network diagrams of vulnerable hosts using various tools
- Understand how proxy servers are used in launching an attack
- Gain insights on working of anonymizers
- Identify HTTP tunneling techniques
- Identify IP spoofing techniques
- Understand various scanning countermeasures
Module 04: Enumeration.
- Learn the system hacking cycle
- Understand Enumeration and its techniques
- Understand null sessions and its countermeasures
- Understand SNMP enumeration and its countermeasures
- Describe the steps involved in performing enumeration
Module 05: System Hacking.
- Understand the different types of passwords
- Identify the different types of password attacks
- Identify password cracking techniques
- Understand Microsoft Authentication mechanism
- Describe password sniffing
- Identifying various password cracking tools
- Identify various password cracking countermeasures
- Understand privilege escalation
- Gain insights on key loggers and other spyware technologies
- Learn how to defend against spyware
- Identify different ways to hide files
- Understanding rootkits
- Learn how to identify rootkits and steps involved
- Understand Alternate Data Streams
- Understand Steganography technologies and tools used
- Understand covering tracks, tools used and erase evidences
Module 06: Trojans and Backdoor
- Define a Trojan
- Identify overt and covert channels
- Understand working of Trojans
- Identify the different types of Trojans
- What do Trojan creators look for
- Identify the different ways a Trojan can infect a system
- How to indicate a Trojan attack
- Identify the ports used by Trojan
- Identify listening ports using netstat
- Understand “wrapping”
- Understand Reverse Shell Trojan
- Understand ICMP tunneling
- Identify various classic Trojans
- Learn windows start up monitoring tools
- Understand the Trojan horse constructing kit
- Learn Trojan detection techniques
- Learn Trojan evading techniques
- Learn how to avoid a Trojan infection
Module 07: Viruses and Worms.
- Understand virus and its history
- Characteristics of a virus
- Learn the working of a virus
- Understand the motive behind writing a virus
- Understand how does a computer get infected by viruses
- Gain insights on virus hoax
- Understand virus analysis
- Understand the difference between a virus and a worm
- Understand the life cycle of virus
- Identify the types of viruses
- Understand how a virus spreads and infects the system
- Understand the storage pattern of virus
- Identify various types of classic virus found in the wild
- Virus writing technique
- Virus construction kits
- Understand antivirus evasion techniques
- Understand Virus detection methods and countermeasures
- Understand worm analysis
Module 08: Sniffers.
- Understand sniffing and protocols vulnerable to it
- Identify types of sniffing
- Understand Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- Understanding the process of ARP Spoofing
- Understand active and passive sniffing
- Understand ARP poisoning
- Understand MAC duplicating
- Learn ethereal capture and display filters
- Understand MAC flooding
- Understand DNS spoofing techniques
- Identify sniffing countermeasures
- Know various sniffing tools
- Identify sniffing detection and defensive techniques
Module 09: Social Engineering.
- Understand Social Engineering
- Understand human weakness
- Identify the different types of social engineering
- Learn warning signs of an attack
- Understand Dumpster Diving
- Understand Human-based Social Engineering
- Understand Insider attacks and its countermeasures
- Gain insights on Social Engineering threats and defense
- Comprehend Identity Theft
- Understand Phishing Attacks
- Identify Online Scams
- Understand URL obfuscation
- Understand social engineering on social networking sites
- Identify Social Engineering countermeasures
Module 10: Denial of Service.
- Understand a Denial of Service Attack
- Gain insights on Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
- Examine the working of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
- Analyze Symptoms of a DoS Attack
- Understand Internet Chat Query (ICQ)
- Understand Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- Assess DoS Attack Techniques
- Understand Botnets
- Assess DoS/DDoS Attack Tools
- Describe Detection Techniques
- Identify DoS/DDoS Countermeasure Strategies
- Analyze Post-Attack Forensics
- Identify DoS/DDoS Protection Tools
- Understand DoS/DDoS Penetration Testing
Module 11: Session Hijacking.
- Understand what is Session Hijacking
- Identify Key Session Hijacking Techniques
- Understand Brute Forcing Attack
- Understand HTTP Referrer Attack
- Spoofing vs. Hijacking
- Understand Session Hijacking Process
- Identify types of Session Hijacking
- Analyze Session Hijacking in OSI Model
- Understand Application Level Session Hijacking
- Discuss Session Sniffing
- Describe Man-in-the-Middle Attack
- Understand Man-in-the-Browser Attack
- Examine Steps to Perform Man-in-the-Browser Attack
- Understand Client-side Attacks
- Understand Cross-site Script Attack
- Understand Session Fixation Attack
- Describe Network Level Session Hijacking
- Understand TCP/IP Hijacking
- Identify Session Hijacking Tools
- Identify Countermeasures of Session Hijacking
- Understand Session Hijacking Pen Testing
Module 12: Hijacking Webservers.
- Understand Open Source Webserver Architecture
- Examine IIS Webserver Architecture
- Understand Website Defacement
- Understand why Web Servers are compromised
- Analyze Impact of Webserver Attacks
- Examine Webserver Misconfiguration
- Understand Directory Traversal Attacks
- Learn regarding HTTP Response Splitting Attack
- Understand Web Cache Poisoning Attack
- Understand HTTP Response Hijacking
- Discuss SSH Bruteforce Attack
- Examine Man-in-the-Middle Attack
- Learn Webserver Password Cracking Techniques
- Identify Web Application Attacks
- Understand Webserver Attack Methodology
- Identify Webserver Attack Tools
- Identify Counter-measures against Webserver Attacks
- Understand Patch Management
- Assess Webserver Security Tools
- Understand Webserver Pen Testing
Module 13: Hacking Web Applications.
- Understand Introduction to Web Applications
- Identify Web Application Components
- Understand working of Web Applications
- Examine Web Application Architecture
- Assess Parameter/Form Tampering
- Understand Injection Flaws
- Discuss Hidden Field Manipulation Attack
- Describe Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks
- Understand Web Services Attack
- Understand Web Application Hacking Methodology
- identify Web Application Hacking Tools
- Understand how to Defend Against Web Application Attacks
- Identify Web Application Security Tools
- Understand Web Application Firewalls
- Gain insights on Web Application Pen Testing
Module 14: SQL Injection.
- Understand SQL Injection
- Examine SQL Injection Attacks
- Understand working of Web Applications
- Identify Server Side Technologies
- Understand SQL Injection Detection
- Discuss SQL Injection Black Box Pen Testing
- Types of SQL Injection
- Understand Blind SQL Injection
- Learn SQL Injection Methodology
- Understanding SQL Query
- Examine Advanced Enumeration
- Describe Password Grabbing
- Discuss Grabbing SQL Server Hashes
- Identify SQL Injection Tools
- Understand Evasion Techniques for SQL Injection
- Understand Defensive strategies Against SQL Injection Attacks
- Identify SQL Injection Detection Tools
Module 15: Hacking Wireless Networks.
- Understand Wireless Networks
- Gain Insights on Wireless Networks
- Understand various types of Wireless Networks
- Understand Wi-Fi Authentication Modes
- Identify types of Wireless Encryption
- Understand WEP Encryption
- Understand WPA/WPA2
- Discuss Wireless Threats
- Understand Wireless Hacking Methodology
- Assess Wireless Hacking Tools
- Understand Bluetooth Hacking
- Understand how to Defend Against Bluetooth Hacking
- Understand how to Defend against Wireless Attacks
- Identify Wi-Fi Security Tools
- Examine Wireless Penetration Testing Framework
Module 16: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots.
- Understand Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
- Learn Ways to Detect an Intrusion
- Acquire knowledge on various types of Intrusion Detection Systems
- Understand what is a Firewall
- Types of Firewall
- Identify Firewall Identification Techniques
- Understand Honeypot
- Assess various types of Honeypot
- Understand how to Set up a Honeypot
- Understand IDS, Firewall and Honeypot System
- Examine Evading IDS
- Understand Evading Firewall
- Learn detecting Honeypots
- Identify Firewall Evading tools
- Identify Countermeasures
- Analyze Firewall and IDS Penetration Testing
Module 17: Buffer Overflow.
- Understand Buffer Overflows (BoF)
- Understand Stack-Based Buffer Overflow
- Know Heap-Based Buffer Overflow
- Understand Stack Operations
- Identify Buffer Overflow Steps
- Analyze attacking a Real Program
- Examine Smashing the Stack
- Examples of Buffer Overflow
- Understand how to Mutate a Buffer Overflow Exploit
- Learn how to identify Buffer Overflows
- Testing for Heap Overflow Conditions: heap.exe
- Understand steps for Testing Stack Overflow in OllyDbg Debugger
- Identify Buffer Overflow Detection Tools
- Understand Defense Against Buffer Overflows
- Identify Buffer Overflow Countermeasures Tools
- Understand Buffer Overflow Pen Testing
Module 18: Cryptography.
- Understand Cryptography
- Learn various types of Cryptography
- Understand Ciphers
- Gain insights on Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- Understand RC4, RC5, RC6 Algorithms
- Examine RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman)
- Explain Message Digest Function: MD5
- Understand Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA)
- Identify Cryptography Tools
- Understand Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
- Understand Email Encryption
- Identify Digital Signature
- Describe SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
- Examine Disk Encryption
- Identify Disk Encryption Tools
- Understand Cryptography Attacks
- Identify Cryptanalysis Tools
Module 19: Penetration Testing.
- Understand Penetration Testing (PT)
- Identify Security Assessments
- Examine Risk Management
- Understand various types of Penetration Testing
- Understand Automated Testing
- Understand Manual Testing
- Understand Penetration Testing Techniques
- Know the Penetration Testing Phases
- Understand Enumerating Devices
- Understand Penetration Testing Roadmap
- Understand Denial of Service Emulation
- Outsourcing Pen Testing Services
- Identify various Penetration testing tools
Si gustan descargar el CEH V7 Isos y pdf, lo pueden hacer con el siguiente link, pesa alrededor de 14 GiB , pueden descargarlo con su cliente torrent (Yo uso Ares).En su contenido almacena un buen número de herramientas y guias de como usarlas...=)
Y si necesita mas apoyo aqui le dejo los videos de cada respectivo modulo...=) , lamentablemente esta en ingles, pero puede ser de ayuda igualmente, solo tiene que rellenar todos los respectivos formularios, para poder tener acceso a los videos...=)
Bueno antes de irme les ofresco un pequeño regalito mas...=) espero que lo lean y lo analisen bien, ya para su gusto esta en español, pues ahora si no hay excusa...=)
Bueno se acabaron los regalos por hoy...xD, me despido y sera para la próxima....nos vemos...=)
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